

retrain 变化形式
第三人称单数: retrains
过去式: retrained
过去分词: retrained
现在分词: retraining

retrain 再训练,再培训
retrain 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A better idea might be to retrain some of the body 's own cells to do the work .
- 一个更好的想法可能是将一些人体自身的细胞进行再培训来完成这个工作。
- Her officials speak of giving more money to reformist countries , say , to help retrain jobless workers .
- 她的官员曾谈到,给改革的国家更多的资金,使其对失业者再培训。
- Di 's rules , for example , allow an older worker unlikely to retrain to get benefits instead .
- 例如,残障保险的规则允许一个无法接受再培训的年老工人获得福利。
- Will I have to retrain my dog to use an invisible fence ?
- 我是否必须重新训练我的狗用一种无形的篱笆?
- You will have to retrain your thought processes about yourself .
- 你要训练你的思维过程约吧.
- Using a wireless fence do you have to retrain your dog every time you move .
- 使用无线围栏你必须重新训练你的狗每次移动。
- You 'll retrain your brain to focus on the positive , not the negative .
- 你会重新训练大脑使之关注于积极而不是消极。
- Try a few techniques to retrain your thoughts .
- 尝试一些技巧来锻炼你的思维能力。
- Sometimes I wonder if I should check into an economics re-education camp to retrain myself .
- 有时我在想,我是不是应该参加一个经济补习班进修一下。
- Flatow : can you translate to doctors , or do you have to just retrain medical students now ?
- flatow:目前你有给医生们解释么,还是说仅仅是重新培训医学学生?