

n.重建,改建,重组( restructure的名词复数 )
v.重建,改建,重组( restructure的第三人称单数 )

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Besides , once greece defaults and restructures , its economy stands a good chance of making a credible start on its long journey to economic health .
" Literature classics " helping oneself with restructures , has the important enlightenment significance to the immediately literary production .
Research of economy transformation and its model restructures in the mountainous area of guangdong .
From the perspectives of theory and comparative law , the author theoretically criticizes and restructures the current laws concerning the constitutive requirements of obligee 's subrogation .
Even if greece restructures its debt and embraces the reforms demanded by the eu and imf , it will need outside support for some years .
Through elaborating the structure of the family treatment connotation , the author discusses the meaning of the holy bible forgiveness view about the family restructures and resumes after the dysfunctional family to restore the external structure and the function .
Chongqing ; the listed company ; restructures .
But , unless the us economy restructures to balance its books , how would the government pay back its debt ?
The government will have to keep supporting the economy while the private sector restructures .
A key challenge confronting hong kong is the need to further upgrade the quality of manpower so as to fit in with the changing demand in the economy as it restructures and develops .