
v.像…,类似于( resemble的第三人称单数 );效仿
resembles 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Tip choose someone whose body at least somewhat resembles your own .
- 小贴士:选择一个体型至少有某些方面跟你相似的人。
- It 's called dancing house because the shape of the building resembles a dancing couple .
- 它之所以被称为跳舞的房子,是因为它看起来像极了一对舞者。
- Vasey is also interested in the samoans because their social environment closely resembles the one in which our ancestors evolved .
- 维西还对萨摩亚人感兴趣的原因在于他们的社会环境与人类祖先进化时的环境极为相似。
- The company most closely resembles .
- 它极其类似于亚马逊公司。
- A virtual company resembles a normal traditional company in its inputs and its outputs .
- 一个虚拟公司在输入输出方面类似于常规传统的公司。
- Most families at some point have at least one teen or pre-teen whose room resembles a landfill .
- 大多数家庭在某段时间至少会有一个青春期或青春期前的孩子房间像个垃圾场。
- Similarly , the hypothetical particle resembles the lighter w boson in its ability to decay into two jets .
- 类似的,这种假设的粒子在衰变成两束喷注这件事上就像是一个轻一些的w玻色子。
- E.g. she resembles her sister .
- 她长得象她姐姐。
- A relatively nearby galaxy that closely resembles our own milky way can be seen edge-on in a new image .
- 一个相对较近的星系酷似我们的银河系,在一张新图片中可以看到它的侧面。
- Malignant lymphoma in dogs closely resembles non-hodgkin 's lymphoma .
- 狗所患的恶性淋巴瘤和非霍奇金淋巴瘤非常相像。