replication 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The virus 's rapid replication indicates that it is adapted to human cells , they reported .
- 他们报告说,该病毒的快速复制表明它适应了人类细胞的环境。
- So replication is possible just about anywhere , with differing degrees of setup and maintenance headaches .
- 因此,其可以毫无差别和维护难度的将复制应用到任何地方。
- The level of replication in any so-called new product or service is simply a matter of degree .
- 任何所谓的新产品或新服务都存在复制行为,只是程度不同而已。
- Social polarization determines that of colleges which are undergoing the replication of social gap .
- 社会分层决定着校园分层,社会领域的贫富差距问题正复制到大学校园中。
- Voila , we 've hijacked the mysql replication stream for our own purpose : cache consistency .
- 看看,我们成功地按照我们的目的缓存一致性劫持了mysql同步复制流。
- Cisplatin and other platinum-based cancer drugs destroy tumor cells by binding to dna strands , interfering with dna replication .
- 顺铂和其他以铂为基础的癌症药物通过靶定dna链,干扰dna复制而破坏肿瘤细胞。
- Since antiretrovirals work by interfering with the process of replication , dormant viruses are immune to their effects .
- 因为抗逆转录药物药物在干扰复制过程时才凑效,所以休眠的病毒不受它们的影响。
- That rapid replication rate also increased the chances of strains evolving in ways that allowed them to evade hog immune systems .
- 那样迅速复制的速度也增加病毒演变的机会,使它们能够用种种方式逃避猪免疫系统。
- Because of the replication lag we mentioned earlier , however , you might not see the change you just made !
- 然而因为前面提到的同步复制延迟,你可能不能立刻看到你刚刚做过的改动!
- An elite controller is an individual who is infected , but whose immune system seems able to suppress viral replication by itself .
- 精英患者,亦是被感染个体,但其自身的免疫系统似乎足以抑制该病毒的复制。