

repetitive 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- One thing we do know is that disease worry is repetitive .
- 我们唯一可以确定的是:疑病症是重复发作的。
- Repetitive , mindless factory labor replaced working holistically with nature .
- 工厂的劳动大众重复劳作,他们取代了同大自然共同劳作的农民。
- Weaving then was a long , tedious and repetitive process with little automation .
- 那时纺织是长时间单调、重复的工作,自动化程度很小。
- But despite being repetitive and long-winded , it is worth the read .
- 尽管内容略有重复,语言冗长,还是值得一读的。
- Computer robots are simply programs that automate repetitive tasks at speeds impossible for humans to reproduce .
- 计算机机器人是一类用来执行人类无法达到的快速重复任务的一类程序。
- It takes 14 to 21 days of repetitive behavior to form a new pattern in your brain .
- 在你的大脑中形成一个新的模式需要14到21天的重复行为。
- The repetitive geometrical shape of infinity aquarium creates a visual metaphor to life in the fish bowl .
- 这个重复几何形状的无限水族馆会给人造成一种暗示一种生活的视觉。
- In the 1970s , memory typewriters replaced repetitive retyping by armies of legal clerks .
- 在1970年代,拥有存储器的打字机替代了大批法律文书不断重复的录入工作。
- Many traders believe that these patterns are repetitive and therefore can be used to predict future movements .
- 许多交易员相信这些曲线是会重复发生的,因此可以被用来预测未来走向。
- Hopefully these will help you move from repetitive and programmed to meaningful and heartfelt apologies .
- 希望这些能够帮助你避免重复,可以更好的规划有意义且发自内心的道歉。