

n.偿还,报答,偿付的钱物( repayment的名词复数 )

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It will continue to reinvest early repayments from its portfolio of mortgage-backed securities .
A recent policy to let companies delay loan repayments for up to three years relieves the pressure on them toperform .
Public investment costs could be financed mainly by public tolls , gradually rising carbon taxes and by repayments of international loans to finance the export of infrastructure .
Eu ministers must decide whether to approve a " soft restructuring " of its debt , by allowing it to reschedule some repayments .
What is riskier : buying entire mortgages , with the danger that a homeowner defaults , or securities backed by those loans which prioritise the holder with the first repayments ?
Euro-zone governments are increasingly coming to the conclusion that greece should seek to postpone repayments on its bonds coming due in 2011 and 2012 .
It will continue to lengthen the maturity of its assets and reinvest the principal repayments from its holdings of agency debt and mortgage-backed securities in yet more agency securities .
It took too long to recognise that boris yeltsin 's first government deserved trust , pressing it too hard on debt repayments and being too stingy with aid .
Italy 's bond repayments of 64 billion in the first quarter of 2012 are nearly equal to the entire bailout provided to ireland over three years .
The state-owned conglomerate roiled markets last november when it requested a six-month standstill on debt repayments .