英音  [ˈredʒɪmentɪd]    



regimented 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

It is his sanctuary from the regimented world of dance .
Like most young chinese , his life until that moment had been coddled , chaperoned and intensely regimented .
Luckily teachers often don 't have to do that nowadays , because children don 't always sit in regimented rows .
My distaste for the early hours and regimented nature of high school was tempered by the promise of the educational community ahead , with its free exchange of ideas and access to great minds .
Every company , especially long-standing ones , have a regimented set of recruitment criteria , which includes certain personality traits and hard skills .
There he is working to create a computer that will fulfill his boyhood vision-a new kind of computer , based not on the regimented order of traditional silicon chips but on the organized chaos of the human brain .
Technology shapes our consciousness , mcluhan argued , and the development of the printed book in the mid-fifteenth century had inaugurated a reorientation of human experience towards the visual , the regimented , the uniform and instrumental .
The findings offer a new window on the inner life of the honey bee hive , which once was viewed as a highly regimented colony of seemingly interchangeable workers taking on a few specific roles ( nurse or forager , for example ) to serve their queen .
Injecting more money into the economy might have worked when we lived in a national , as opposed to a globalised , economy ; when big businesses created most jobs ; and when the paradigmatic workplace was the regimented assembly line .
Young japanese men reject the brutal training and regimented lifestyle , which includes communal living and mundane chores in the stables . Some who planned to train as wrestlers are said to have pulled out after tokitaizan 's death .