Only a small part of total american giving was in any sense redistributive from rich to poorer people , the study concluded .
The plans have provoked muted criticism from the labour opposition , which says the new regime might be less redistributive than its predecessor .
Trying to reduce inequality through government intervention is usually not a good idea , as it puts the focus on redistributive policies rather than ones that promote growth .
They ask instead about government redistributive polices , such as taxes and welfare , which are not always popular .
If social democrats have a naively benign view of the powers of the state , redistributive market liberals have a naively benign view of the effectiveness of markets .
Before voting was democratized in england in the nineteenth century , nonetheless , the advocates of reform repudiated any redistributive intent .
And american voters are not looking for champions of their preferred redistributive stance , but responsible attitudes to the country 's challenges .
For redistributive market liberals , government intervention in productive activity should be limited to a small number of issues of market failure , such as competition policy and environmental externalities .
But this may be more difficult in a world struggling to achieve genuine mobility of labour where emigrants could overwhelm the redistributive apparatus .