

v.重新分配( redistribute的第三人称单数 )

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And the huge increase in the size of the financial sector suggests precisely that much innovation is simply rent-seeking that redistributes wealth to financiers at considerable cost to society .
Broadly speaking , social security redistributes incomes from high-to-low income individuals from men to women , and from young to old .
Those on the left peddle the opposite view : that the government redistributes far too little because the tax system is skewed to benefit the rich and america 's welfare state is the skimpiest in the developed world .
Oil exporters buy a lot more of their imports from europe and asia than from america , so a shift in the " terms of trade " , which redistributes income from oil consumers to oil producers , tends to reduce the relative demand for american goods .
And the government doesn 't create anything ; it just redistributes .
When the government redistributes income from the rich to the poor , it reduces the reward for working hard .
Even in sadness , the opening of a door may bring relief : it changes and redistributes human forces .
When the government redistributes income from the rich to the poor , it reduces the reward for working hard ; as a result , people work less and produce fewer goods and services .