
v.使和好( reconcile的第三人称单数 );和解;使一致;使和谐
reconciles 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Gu ge had reached books search to trade with a lot of publisher , but hope this reconciles the agreement will make its can scan more books .
- 谷歌已经与许多出版商达成了图书搜索交易,但希望这一和解协议将使其能够扫描更多图书。
- As for regulating the operation of national power , protecting relative person 's property right and realizing the endurance of fundamental human right , administrative compensation , as a modern legal system which reconciles public good and private good , has profound theoretical and practical meaning .
- 行政补偿作为一种协调公共利益和私人利益矛盾冲突的现代法律制度,对规范国家权力的行使,保护相对人的财产权,进而实现对基本人权的保障有着深刻的理论和实践意义。
- Custom reconciles us to everything .
- 习惯使我们安于一切。
- Audits and reconciles advance payments and ensures payments have been applied .
- 审计和调节每天客人预付定金,并确保付款已到位。
- Because he is young , handsome and intelligent , and also because as the child of a kansan and a kenyan he reconciles in his own person one of the world 's most hateful divisions , mr obama carries with him the hopes of the planet .
- 因为他风华正茂、英俊潇洒、才华横溢,也因为作为一个堪萨斯州人和一个肯尼亚人的儿子,他独自调节着世界上最具仇恨的分歧之一,奥巴马承载着这个星球的希望。