Reciprocally , continental reformers , like peter martyr and martin bucer , were welcomed to england and made professors of divinity at the universities .
Activity of anomalous cambium and sink capacity in self and reciprocally grafted leaf cuttings of sweet potato .
Becoming always contains being and nothing in such a way , that these two are always changing into each other , and reciprocally cancelling each other .
The central meaning shared by these verbs is " to give , take , or feel reciprocally "
While sucrose increased , hexoses and specific amino acids decreased reciprocally .
Not only that , they could not establish reciprocally the standard that can relate to the mind , is in harmony with it , and produce joy as the eternal ideal element .
Of government is high resources for accessory contestation correspondingly , the economic assets will possible produce diminishing returns reciprocally .
Physiological and anatomical studies on source-sink relationships in reciprocally grafted leaf-cuttings of sweet .
Thus , for instance , allegiance is usually , and therefore most easily , considered as the duty of the people , and protection as the duty of the magistrate ; and yet they are , reciprocally , the rights as well as duties of each other .
The best type of affection is reciprocally life-giving : each receives affection with joy and gives us without effort and each finds the whole world more interesting in consequence of the existence of this reciprocal happiness .