Follow the steps in the " how to manually undelete objects in the deleted objects container " section to reanimate deleted users , computers , groups , or all of these .
When it comes to rewiring the limbs of paralysed patients in order to reanimate them , however , a very different approach is required .
Ogden explains the technologies used to evocate or reanimate the dead and to compel them to disgorge their secrets .
" Cdc does not know of a virus or condition that would reanimate the dead ( or one that would present zombie-like symptoms ) , " wrote agency spokesman david daigle in an email to the huffington post .
Once you find your formless identity as buddha-mind , as atman , as pure spirit or godhead , you will take that constant , nondual , ever-present consciousness and reenter the lesser states , subtle mind and gross body , and reanimate them with radiance .