英音  ['rættræp]    
美音 ['rætˌtræp]    



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With advanced culture , prosperous enterprises will be more prosperous , and the enterprises in hot-water can quickly escape from rattrap .
Sometimes it is not the rattrap that destroys you ; it is the rain that has falen into your heart ruins you .
In order to enhance the efficiency of resource using , get rid of the rattrap that there is a feeble environment and realize the sustainable development , we must take pains to increase the income of peasantry , alleviate the conflict between populations and lands and protect the environment .
The characters in Sartre \'s dramas , The Flies and Devil and God , shows Sartre \'s existentialist viewpoint of freedom in various aspects , namely the human being \'s loneliness and struggle when facing living rattrap in nothingness and the striving for freedom for oneself from just being free .