So closely does the world watch its central bankers that , if he is seen to fail now , he will face a tide of ranting commentary .
This time too , some things are familiar : the odd bit of violence , a lot of incoherent ranting and plenty of inconsistency ( see article ) .
She was distraught , which meant she was by turns pissed as hell and ranting about her stupid , lying , cheating , crazy parents , or crying hysterically .
We could live with his foibles and occasional ranting in return for his cooperation .
It 's crucial to keep state and local government in mind when you hear people ranting about runaway government spending under president obama .
There is an eerie similarity to the ranting insults that pass for debate on each side of the florida straits .
It is even harder to imagine a saudi king hunkered like libya 's muammar qaddafi , ranting as his realm unravels .