quelch 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mr. quelch : we focus on more senior executives even compared with a harvard business school .
- 奎尔奇:我们更注重高级管理人员,就算是跟哈佛商学院相比也是如此。
- Mr. quelch : I think you can , if you throw a considerable amount of money behind it .
- 奎尔奇:如果投入相当数量的资金的话,我觉得可以。
- Last week , I had lunch with john quelch , professor of marketing at harvard business school , and asked what he thought it all meant .
- 上周与哈佛商学院(hbs)营销学教授约翰奎尔奇(johnquelch)共进午餐时,我问他对此事怎么看。
- Mr. quelch : if you go to the u. k.website of huawei , you will find that it 's all about basingstoke .
- 奎尔奇:如果去看华为的英国网站,你会发现全都是关于贝辛斯托克(basingstoke)这个地方的。
- John quelch , dean of the china europe international business school in shanghai , says the go-to-market strategy of companies must be locally tailored .
- 奎尔奇(johnquelch)表示,企业的市场推广战略必须更加因地制宜。
- Prof john quelch of harvard business school is also a visiting professor at ceibs in shanghai .
- 哈佛商学院(harvardbusinessschool)教授约翰奎尔奇(johnquelch)也是中欧国际工商学院(ceibs)的访问教授。