Since their inauspicious beginnings , all four of these units have embarked on a path that has taken them far from their original mandate of debt resolution units to becoming quasi - boutique investment banks .
It is true that germany 's quasi pacifism , combined with its very real economic interests , may lead it into an arrangement with russia that would make poland and the united states uncomfortable . Germany , after all , gets 40 percent of its natural gas from russia .
Yet it has also ushered in a quasi renaissance in infographics ; new methods for visualising data that tell a compelling story .
First is the extraordinary rift in opec and the move by the surplus capacity countries towards a quasi co-ordinated decision to calm markets by providing new supply .
The group also includes the second generation of quasi local funds founded by individuals who ran internal hedge funds out of asia for firms like goldman sachs and are now doing their own thing .
Today , weather modification is seen as a sort of quasi science , located at the indistinct crossroads of meteorology , cloud physics and atmospheric research and hampered by a lack of evidence .