

v.继续( pursue的第三人称单数 );追求;进行;追捕

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The first is a flexible exchange rate though this offers diminishing marginal returns when everyone pursues the same policy .
And he pursues his vision of making the world a more open and connected place with single-minded determination .
They suspected that because western concepts of happiness are very personal - as opposed to communal - one 's social connections might suffer if one pursues happiness too intensely .
Ms. clinton will continue her work with the clinton foundation and her studies at oxford as she pursues the new job with nbc .
Ms merkel would do well to remember this as she pursues a permanent security council seat .
A little later , to his astonishment , ricci spots the bicycle thief , and pursues him into a brothel .
We 're not talking about pursues or shoes , or a website that takes a couple lines of code .
The actual fees could run higher or lower than $ 1 billion , depending on which deals aig pursues , how those deals are structured , market conditions , and how successful the government is at extracting itself from its ownership stake , among other things .
But , rather than face this reality and take on the real challenge of thinking through how the united states pursues its interests in the middle east in ways that don 't offend most of the people who live there , obama resorts to rhetoric and policies that have already manifestly failed .
He pursues his ideals with absolute singleness of purpose .