

n.惩罚( punishment的名词复数 );处罚;刑罚;粗暴对待
punishments 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Set reasonable punishments that get results .
- 确定能带来良好结果合理的惩罚。
- The regulation also enforces more severe punishments for actions threatening food safety .
- 此规章将对威胁食品安全的行为作出更严厉的处罚。
- Food safety inspection authorities will expose the unqualified producers and relevant punishments through the media .
- 食品安全监管部门还将通过媒体曝光不合格的制造商和他们受到的相关处罚。
- Other protections were added for taxpayers , as well as compensation punishments for executives .
- 此外还有其它保护纳税人的措施,以及对破产公司管理层的追加处罚。
- Now the eu is looking for more credible punishments against rule-breakers .
- 现在欧盟正寻找更可靠的惩罚措施来对付违规成员。
- It has sharply increased both enforcement and the severity of punishments .
- 美国将执行力度与惩罚严厉程度都急速提高。
- Dubbing a country a manipulator doesn 't inherently include punishments .
- 将一国定性为汇率操纵国本身并不包含惩罚措施。
- He seems unaware of the fierce puritanism and medieval punishments for which the taliban are notorious in the west .
- 他似乎忽略了塔利班暴烈的清教主义和中世纪式的处罚,这些使其在西方世界臭名昭著。
- In addition to the regular punishments there are special forms of arbitrary ill-treatment .
- 除了常规的惩罚手段外,还有一些特别的虐待方式。
- It said punishments , including amputations , carried out by sharia courts have caused international disquiet .
- 据说伊斯兰教法院的惩罚包括截肢,由此引起了国际社会的不安。