prot 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Separately , bnp 's ceo baudoin prot told french daily les echos that the bank won 't need to raise capital to comply with rules prepared by the basel committee on banking supervision .
- 此外,巴黎银行首席执行官博杜安普罗特(baudouinprot)接受法国《回声报》采访时表示,巴黎银行不需要筹集更多资金来满足巴塞尔银行监管委员会的新规定。
- Perhaps mr prot 's pauses are one of the secrets of bnp paribas 's success .
- 或许,普罗特的停顿习惯正是巴黎银行获得成功的其中一个原因。
- ' This solution guarantees the bank 's safety and future , ' bnp paribas chief executive baudouin prot told reporters on saturday .
- 法国巴黎银行首席执行长普罗特(baudouinprot)周六对记者表示,这个方案保证了银行的安全和未来。
- Mr prot 's explanation for these dodged bullets is not his habit of reflection , or luck , but " professional management " .
- 普罗特对这些“闪躲行为”的解释是这并不是它的反应习惯或是运气之类的东西,这是一种“专业管理”。
- When mr prot warns of the dangers of a " market psychology of complete risk aversion , " he sounds concerned , not gung-ho .
- 当普罗特对“完全风险规避的市场心理”的危险提出警告之时,他听起来是很忧虑的,而不是雄风壮志的。