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v.支撑,支持,维持( prop的现在分词 )

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With congress locked in another budget dispute that could lead to a government shutdown , investors doubted the government would be able to continue propping up the economy .
And his pleas for more troops for afghanistan have given way to more modest calls for help in propping up afghanistan and pakistan 's civilian governments .
Propping it up also creates moral hazard .
By propping up banks indiscriminately , on soft terms , tarp not only outraged voters but alsomagnified moral hazard in the financial system and made effective reform harder .
The 2008 market collapse followed a loss of confidence in the financial system . The current collapse follows a loss of confidence in government ability , both in the u.s. and in europe , to continue propping things up .
Even while president george w. bush was still in the white house , many conservatives were angry with him and his party over bailouts for banks and for propping up auto makers .
Rather than just propping up the facade of ' common interests , ' the obama administration would be better served by acknowledging that its policy choices on china were deeply flawed and carry within the seeds of their own destruction .
At night in bed , while ms. macaluso happily chats away about her day , her husband often falls asleep , despite propping himself up with pillows and keeping the light on .
European finance officials met late wednesday in vienna to prepare a fresh aid package for greece , people close to the matter said , but the talks must first bridge a crucial gap between germany and the european central bank over whether private investors should share the pain of propping up the indebted nation .
With foreign investors almost completely absent from spanish bond markets for months , spanish banks have propped up the government , which is now forced to turn to europe for help propping up the weaker banks .