
v.使私有化( privatize的过去式和过去分词 )
privatized 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Power plants were privatized and a competitive internal electricity market was set up .
- 发电厂私有化,建立起来一个具有竞争力的国内电力市场。
- And the fact that even mitterrand privatized french soes in the 1980s suggests that the french recognized that the old model was slipping .
- 甚至20世纪80年代密特朗私有化国国有企业的例子也表明了法国认识到旧有的模式已经过时。
- Is chunghwa telecom a privatized company or a state-owned enterprise .
- 中华电信究竟是民营化的公司还是国有企业。
- Due to budget cuts , the government privatized the telephone system .
- 因为预算不足,政府决定将电讯系统民营化。
- In keeping with this trend , some large government-owned banks and industrial firms are being privatized .
- 在这种趋势下,某些政府的大型行库和企业正在进行民营化.
- Chileans marched thursday , demanding profound changes in the country 's heavily centralized and privatized form of government .
- 智利人在周四举行游行示威,要求对该国政府的高度集权及私有化形式进行深刻的改革。
- Recently , there have been several proposals to privatize the social security system , and some countries have actually privatized part or all of their social security system .
- 最近,已有一些提案民营化的社会保障系统,而且一些国家的社会保障系统实际上已经部分或全部民营化.
- I mean , imagine this : a seemingly voluntary , privatized gulag .
- 还是去想一些我自己的有意义的事情吧。
- Some privatized rail companies have been in the newspapers recently because of bad services they provide .
- 在这一段话中,朱利叶说报纸报道了私营铁路公司糟糕服务的事情.
- An analysis of the asymmetry between privatized economy and state-run economy on the output and the investment in zhejiang province .
- 浙江省国民经济结构性资金投入与产出不对称的实证分析。