

v.掠食( prey的过去式和过去分词 );掠食;折磨;(人)靠欺诈为生

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They are also one of those predators at the top of the ocean 's food chain , preyed upon mostly by man .
The gorillas - caught up in the region 's civil wars , preyed on by poachers , and crowded out of their homes by mining and logging industries - are already endangered across africa .
Here in this ravaged community of 2500 people , the observer found 51 women who have sold kidneys in the past six months to escape the pressures of loan sharks who preyed on them after the tsunami .
Ugandan troops have stepped up efforts to hunt down rebels headed by fugitive joseph kony , whose fighters have preyed on the region for more than two decades , ugandan officials said on tuesday .
[ Update : in a statement released to fortune , scott henderson , president of 5-hour energy , said : " we are extremely upset that a group of alleged criminals preyed upon and profited from the loyal , hardworking customers who have come to rely on us to provide them with a high-quality product and the world 's leading energy shot . "
Defenseless women are being preyed upon and the authorities must act .
Like many confidence men ponzi preyed first on his own kind and the boston italian community embraced him with delirious joy .
If rivals stumble or fail , that may be down to their own inefficiency or poor products , and not because they were preyed upon .
As with the products for women , advertisers preyed on men 's insecurities : in the great depression of the 1930s men were worried about losing their job .