But that presumes that we 'll be able , as a political matter , to act responsibly .
This presumes that regulators and government officials act with sufficient knowledge about the industries involved , and with great wisdom and morality .
One problem with the global strategy is that it presumes we can get leading countries to surrender significant sovereignty to international agencies .
Neither side endorses all the aims of the other or presumes a total identity of interests but both sides seek to identify and develop complementary interests .
His land , he presumes , lies under muck .
When a question or statement automatically presumes the subject is guilty .
But this approach presumes that companies can calculate the answers . In practice , a shock in one corner of the system can generate aftershocks in unexpected places .
First , it presumes that the judgment of physical attractiveness is arbitrary and subjective .
A country such as japan has a high level of cultural homogeneity , conformity and cohesion ; everybody presumes that everyone else knows how to behave " correctly " , and there are powerful unspoken social norms to enforce that .
Seeing the need to do more and worrying , one presumes , about the effectiveness and political consequences of a much larger package of asset purchases , the fed began feeling its way toward greater use of communication in easing policy .