
n.节目主持人,演播员( presenter的名词复数 )
presenters 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Hawking 's illustrious fellow presenters include professor richard dawkins , sir james dyson and the undisputed don of natural history broadcasting , sir david attenborough .
- 与霍金一起主持的主持人包括richarddawkins教授,jamesdyson爵士,和自然历史播音界毋庸置疑的导师,davidattenborough爵士。
- Many presenters watch their presentation rather than their audience .
- 许多演讲者看他们的演示文稿而不是听众。
- Professional meeting planners are always looking for presenters and workshop leaders for conferences .
- 那些专业的会议组织者会不停的寻找演讲者以及研讨会权威人士,以组织各种大会活动。
- The problem is that companies have a strict separation between their it department , where datasets are produced , and the design department , so hardly any presenters are proficient in both .
- 问题就在于公司的数据集制造之地it部门和研发部门之间是有着严格分隔的,所以很难有一个演讲者能精通两者。
- Many presenters get distracted by trying to discern the intention behind questions or comments .
- 很多陈述人试图分辨出问题背后的含义,而被分散了注意力。
- In a similar way , powerpoint in the hands of inexperienced presenters also has undesirable consequences .
- 与此相似,演示文稿在缺乏经验的演示者手上也会有适得其反的效果。
- Duties include timers , scorekeepers , officials , announcers , award presenters .
- 职位有记时员,记分员,官员,广播员,颁奖者。
- Online instead of face to face : there are so many different online meeting solutions that let you chat , video conference , share and edit documents with presenters and delegates .
- 用上网取代面对面:有很多不同的线上会议方案可以让你们聊天、开视频会议、和推荐者与代表们一起分享和编辑文件。
- Looking emaciated , he farmed out large parts of his speech , which is usually a big marketing and media event , to other presenters .
- 看起来有些虚弱的他把报告的大部分交给其他的代表,而这部分通常状况下是行销和广告策划。
- All public entertainment has been cancelled and presenters on state television are wearing black .
- 所有公众娱乐活动取消,国家电视台节目中出现的人员都身穿黑色服装。