
v.开药方( prescribe的现在分词 );指示;规定;指定遵守
prescribing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Is there a generic alternative to the medicine you 're prescribing me ?
- 您开的处方药有没有可以替代的非专利药?
- Some pharmaceutical companies offer additional under-the-table inducements for prescribing drugs , doctors and experts say .
- 医生及专家表示,有些制药公司为药方开药提供额外的私下回扣。
- Now , by using a medical application for the iphone or android , doctors don 't need to be at a hospital to diagnose a stroke patient and begin prescribing treatment .
- 现在,通过在iphone或android手机上使用一款医疗应用程序,医生们无需在医院就能对中风病人进行诊断并开出药方。
- The upshot : doctors who end up prescribing the fda-approved drugs often don 't get to see the unfavorable data .
- 结果导致:医生须将fda批准的药品写进处方,但他们常常看不到这些不理想的数据。
- Their misconduct included inappropriately prescribing drugs , providing poor care or having sex with patients .
- 原因有不正当开药,态度恶劣,还有和患者发生性行为。
- Wakefield , however is uneasy about prescribing pills where there is no certainty that they are needed .
- 尽管如此,韦克菲尔德觉得,去给一个并非真正需要药物的人开处方,是件不轻松的事。
- Yet in europe , health authorities are not testing widely for it and are prescribing drugs as though they could still contain it .
- 而在欧洲,卫生部门并没有对此进行大规模测试监控,而只是给人们处方开药,看上去他们对控制病毒的传播很有信心。
- Prescribing pills has become a popular treatment in part because it is much faster than a course of psychotherapy which can take months or even years .
- 服用处方药已经普遍应用于治疗抑郁症,有部分原因是服药比心理治疗的过程快很多,心理治疗可能需要数月甚至数年的时间。
- He was prescribing poetry to his betrothed .
- 他在给他的未婚妻制定一种诗意。
- The body of regulations prescribing the kinds and combinations of food that may be eaten .
- 规定食物法律:规定了可以食用的食物种类和搭配的行文。