英音  [prɪˈɒkjupaɪd]    
美音 [prɪˈɑ:kjupaɪd]    


v.占据(某人)思想,使对…全神贯注,使专心于( preoccupy的过去式)
所属分类: TEM8

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Think of all the times you walk around in a day dream , or preoccupied with your problems .
Manuel had not paid much attention to the fish as he was preoccupied .
If I am preoccupied with staying on my horse , I won 't be prepared to deal with the specific problem of the next jump when I get there .
In recent days , the white house has been preoccupied not with the war in afghanistan or even the battle on capitol hill to produce a health-care bill . Instead , it has been engaged in a war with fox news , the right-leaning cable channel owned by rupert murdoch .
Others blame a twist in the rudder : the policymakers who steer the economy are distracted and divided , preoccupied with this year 's handover of power , which is not going as smoothly as hoped .
Brazil , a counterweight to the more radical elements in south america , could become preoccupied with domestic problems while foreign investors got caught in a downward spiral .
This is true even of the united states , which is now so preoccupied with its own economic problems that countering global upheaval looks like an expensive luxury .
But with the senate preoccupied with the president 's health care plan and strong opposition to central provisions of the financial overhaul , the president faces major hurdles on both the substance and the timetable .
" I know you are all anxious to hear from jess , but she 's a little preoccupied on her first day , so she asked me to post a quick note to let everyone know that the departure went well this morning , " julie watson , her mother , wrote on the blog .
For example , sometimes we drive the car on autopilot while being preoccupied with thoughts .