
n.习艺者,实习者( practitioner的名词复数 );从业者(尤指医师)
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- I said that there was no profession in which the gap between researchers and practitioners was so wide .
- 我说,就研究者与从业者的脱节程度而言,哪一行都比不上商业。
- If that sounds morbid , practitioners say it is not much more so than the trading of endowment policies in britain .
- 该行业的一些从业者说,即使这很骇人听闻,但它们不比英国的储蓄型人寿保单交易更骇人听闻。
- India has 130000 chartered accountants , fewer than in the uk , and the profession is dominated by smaller firms and sole practitioners .
- 印度拥有13万名注册会计师,数量低于英国,小型会计师事务所和个人从业者占据着行业的主导地位。
- Nor has the pcc tamed the rougher practitioners of the trade .
- pcc也没有驯服行业中那些粗鲁的从业者。
- His conclusion : many saw a piece of the jigsaw but very few practitioners of the dismal science covered themselves in glory .
- 他的结论是:许多人看到了端倪,但这是一门沉闷的科学,很少有从业者甚少能满载盛誉。
- As theatre practitioners and audiences of the future , they are a brilliant and exciting prospect .
- 作为未来的戏剧从业者和观众,他们是有才气的、令人兴奋的希望
- Practitioners suggest that greater competition and technological innovations rather than government intervention is the best way to reduce costs and bring lending rates down .
- 从业者表示,削减成本、降低贷款利率的最佳方式,是促进竞争和技术创新,而不是政府干预。
- Practitioners have been able to overcome suspicion about mass production , recognising that medicinal benefits may come from a standardised dose not tailored to each patient .
- 从业者能够克服对于批量生产的疑虑,并且认识到,不是为病人量身定制的标准化药剂量可能会有疗效。
- At the moment , there is a rubik 's cube of regulation for market practitioners , products and locations some lightly regulated , some heavily regulated and many not at all .
- 目前,对于不同的市场从业者、不同产品和不同地点的监管有点像玩魔方有些监管松懈,有些监管严格,而许多时候监管完全缺失。
- It also underplays the fact that , although science strives for objectivity , its practitioners necessarily bring all sorts of values to the table , perhaps especially in matters environmental .
- 尽管科学要极力客观,但其从业者必然会把各种价值观带到台面上来,特别是对攸关的环境事宜,对这一事实本书也是轻描淡写。