

v.涌出( pour的过去式和过去分词 );倾,倒;涌流;倾泻

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Last winter 's pressure differences were gigantic as well , but in the opposite , negative direction , so lots of cold air poured down and we had tons of snow .
When google says that it will " host " the e-books , does that mean all the content the millions and millions of words - in its thousands of e-books will be poured ( ie : indexed ) into the google search engine ?
People in tokyo 370 kilometres away poured out of buildings as high-rises swayed .
Money also poured out of commodity funds at a pace unseen since the height of the financial crisis .
On friday may 20th groups of men poured out of mosques , waving flags , carrying banners and shouting " homs is bigger than you ! "
As thousands poured out of buildings , uncertain where to go next , many residents who tend to brush aside the small tremors that regularly course through the city were faced with a reminder : the city 's buildings may be strong , but tokyo isn 't earthquake-proof .