
pogroms 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The pogroms and killings were organised by gangs , vigilantes and militias across northern , western and eastern india .
- 印度北部、西部与东部地区的帮派、义务警员与民兵组织了大屠杀与残杀。
- Radovan karadzic , the former bosnian serb leader seen as the mastermind of the worst ethnic pogroms in europe in the post-war era , goes on trial today in what may be the last big case of the un 's yugoslav war crimes tribunal .
- 前波黑塞族共和国领导人拉多万卡拉季奇(radovankaradzic)被认为是战后欧洲最为严重的种族屠杀案的罪魁祸首,他于今日的受审也可能是联合国前南斯拉夫战争罪法庭最后一次重大审判。
- But the government 's ambivalence in the face of what look increasingly like anti-muslim pogroms in rakhine state shows that human rights are far from entrenched .
- 但面对发生在若开邦的、反穆斯林意味越来越浓重的大屠杀,缅甸政府态度暧昧,显示缅甸的人权状况仍然堪忧。
- After the pogroms in 1938 my two uncles ( my mother 's brothers ) fled germany , finding safe refuge in north america .
- 在1938年对犹太人大屠杀后,我的两个舅舅也逃离了德国,去北美洲避难。
- For their own protection-and to avoid the sort of anti-migrant pogroms that swept through south africa 's cities last year-many urban refugees are trying to blend anonymously into the shanty-towns where they find shelter of sorts .
- 他们为了保护自己,为了避免去年席卷南非城市的那种反移民的大屠杀很多城市难民都正尽量匿名混入到临时房屋区,在那里他们可以找到各种各样的避难所。
- And for those jews who were exiled from our land , they never stopped dreaming of coming back : jews in spain , on the eve of their expulsion ; jews in the ukraine , fleeing the pogroms ; jews fighting the warsaw ghetto , as the nazis were circling around it .
- 而对于那些被流放出故土的犹太人,他们从未停止回归的梦想:西班牙的犹太人在被驱逐的前夜;乌克兰的犹太人在逃避大屠杀时;华沙犹太区中顽强搏斗的犹太人,在纳粹包围他们时。
- The city was scene to some of the worst pogroms in the tsarist empire , and to a savage occupation by romania 's wartime pro-nazi leaders , during which almost all the 230000-plus jews living in the city perished ; just 48 were left at the war 's end .
- 这座城市曾是沙皇时期发生最血腥大屠杀的地方,也是曾被罗马尼亚战时倾纳粹领导人野蛮统治的地方,在此期间,几乎所有生活在该市的230000余犹太人都死亡了,只有48人活到了战争结束。
- The death toll might have been even higher , but a flurry of pogroms that started 60 years earlier across the then-tsarist empire had sent waves of jewish emigrants westward .
- 死亡人数可能会更高,不过始于60年前沙俄帝国的一连串屠杀推动了犹太移民西移的浪潮。
- First he was phillip gellburg in last autumn 's production of arthur miller 's " broken glass " at london 's tricycle theatre , a repressed businessman in 1938 new york who tries to ignore the violent pogroms taking place in germany .
- 去年秋季,他在伦敦三轮车剧院首度出演犹太人,于阿瑟.米勒(arthurmiller)剧《碎玻璃杯》中饰演菲利普.盖尔博格(phillipgellburg),一个情感压抑的商人,1938年住在纽约,试图忽视德国残暴的犹太人大屠杀。
- She is right to deplore the pogroms against jews and the beginning of the inquisition .
- 她正确地谴责对犹太人的大屠杀和开始执行宗教法庭。