

poetical 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He ended his speech with a poetical flourish about the glory of the nation 's heritage .
- 他以一段赞颂祖国光荣遗产的诗歌般的华丽辞藻结束了自己的演讲。
- These are followed by the poetical , or wisdom , books and finally the prophetic books .
- 这些都是其次是诗歌,或智慧,书籍和最后的先知书。
- Said mrs. lynde , feeling that she was taking a wild , poetical flight and thankful that marilla wasn 't there to hear .
- 林德太太说,就好像她正在进行一次辽阔的,诗意的飞行,而且很幸运玛丽拉没有在场听她的话。
- Maybe because cook is still a poet , his works express a poetical sentiment and obscurity occasionally .
- 或许与库克本人是一位诗人有关,他的作品偶尔会表现出一种诗的伤感和蒙胧感。
- Oscar wilde quotes we irish are too poetical to be poets ; we are a nation of brilliant failures , but we are the greatest talkers since the greeks .
- 我们爱尔兰人太诗意以至不能做诗人,我们是才华横溢的失败者的国度,可我们是自希腊人以来最伟大的讲演者。
- We irish are too poetical to be poets ; we are a nation of brilliant failures , but we are the greatest talkers since the greeks .
- 我们爱尔兰人太诗意甚至不能做诗人,我们是才干横溢的失败者的国家,可我们是自希腊人以来最巨大的报告者。
- Poetical , romantic experiences are replaced by cold fact and logic explaining .
- 理想化的、浪漫的经历都被冷漠的事实和逻辑解释。
- All around the world , iranian carpets are the symbol of poetical luxury .
- 波斯地毯是全世界最奢华的代名词。
- Washington wrote to wheatley , thanking her and praising her " great poetical talents . "
- 华盛顿在给惠特利的回信中感谢她的来信,并且赞扬惠特利有「伟大的诗文天赋」。
- I composed verses , feeble lines which perhaps showed my early love for words but certainly forecast no poetical future .
- 我写诗,寥寥几行,这也许表现出我早年喜欢舞文弄墨的习惯,但是,肯定没有作诗的前途。