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pocketing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Many were corrupt , either pocketing water tariffs or taking bribes for not charging them .
While cleaners turn in many expensive computers and some wallets full of cash , there also have been instances of workers getting caught pocketing found valuables .
The venture proved profitable and in 2000 he sold the company for 2.5m , pocketing just over half the proceeds .
Moral hazard is endemic : bankers take big risks , pocketing the profits but counting on governments to pick up the pieces if things go wrong .
The conventional shoppers played it reasonably straight , whereas the green consumers cheated far more and even stole extra cash , pocketing nearly a third more money than they were entitled to .
Giving farmers stronger land title would deprive local governments of one of their main sources of income : spiriting cash from the alchemy of transforming farms into commercial property ( and pocketing some of the difference ) .
Spurred by pay that was geared to short-term gains , bankers and fund managers stand accused of pocketing bonuses with no thought for the longer-term consequences of what they were doing .
This has made it an important source of traffic to other websites and it could offer to help them sell ads , pocketing a percentage of the money raised .
Since that takes about nine months , many of the owners even rent out their old house in the interim , pocketing a profit .
Uses range from automatic alerts being sent to the harbourmaster when water levels rise above normal to fishermen selling their catch directly to restaurants , thus pocketing a better profit .