

v.演奏( play的第三人称单数 );演出;参加比赛;捉弄

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The philharmonic , like many performing arts groups , plays an announcement at the beginning of concerts and at the end of each intermission asking the audience members to turn off their cellphones .
The artists presenting the plays say that 's because they resonate with contemporary audiences .
The app displays piano scores and plays the sheet music in real time .
The frisson of armageddon is again running through the stalls : london is awash with plays about climate change .
Nativity plays or carol concerts in state primary schools are unthinkable , as would be the swearing-in of presidents over the bible .
A madman is not less a musician than you or myself ; only the instrument on which he plays is a little out of tune .
Ms ott , who always plays in bare feet , marked these nuances with an unusual lightness and a tenderness that is more often associated with the intimacy of chamber music or solo performances .
Rescheduled from last october , birkin plays the music of her former partner , serge gainsbourg , in aid of japanese tsunami victims .
When marcello sees him entering a church they ascend to the organ loft and steiner plays bach while urging marcello to have more faith in himself and finish that book .
Jason moran plays the song to suggest that out in the ether , beyond the realm of instant feedback and instagram , there is still a home for those that speak the language .