
pistons 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- But if you can 't run outside or get to a treadmill , quickly moving your legs up and down like pistons will leave you huffing and puffing .
- 但是如果你不能到户外跑步、又没有跑步机,那么像活塞一样快速的上下移动你的双腿也能让你气喘吁吁。
- After three losing seasons , they advanced deep into the playoffs in 1987-88 and 1988-89 , but lost in both years to the tough and balanced detroit pistons .
- 在连续三个赛季输多胜少之后,他们最终于1987-88和1988-89赛季连续打入了季后赛,但是两次都输给了作风强悍、实力平衡的底特律活塞队。
- On february 4th the detroit pistons , an american basketball team , failed to sell out a home game for the first time in five seasons .
- 2月4日,美国底特律活塞篮球队,5个赛季以来首次未能售完主场门票。
- Unfortunately , the forces caused by the secondary harmonic remain out of kilter as a result of the pistons having to accelerate and decelerate faster in the upper half of the cylinders than in the lower half .
- 不幸的是,由二次谐波引起的力仍处于失衡状态,从而导致活塞不可避免地在引擎的上半部分比它们在下半部分更快的加速和减速。
- Mcgrady has been one of the most requested pistons all season on the road -- which isn 't surprising considering his one-time star status in the league .
- 麦克格雷迪是活塞队整个赛季最炙手可热的球员之一,作为联盟中曾经的明星球员,这绝不让人意外。
- When he returned to the rockets last season , he said he was fit and ready to go , although considering his minutes are still limited with the pistons , that wasn 't the case .
- 上个赛季回到火箭的阵容当中时,虽然他说自己已经完全康复(考虑到自己在活塞的上场时间同样受到限制),但事实并非如此。
- Detroit pistons guard terrico white added 29 for the blue .
- 底特律活塞队后卫特瑞科怀特为蓝队增加了29分。
- The steam drives the pistons , turning a generator which produces electricity .
- 蒸汽驱动活塞,带动发电机发电。
- The air is released through pistons in the engine , which drive the wheels .
- 压缩空气是通过发动机上的活塞释放出来的,以此驱动车轮。
- A better design for the exhaust pipes adds to the efficiency , along with modified timing and pistons .
- 而优化设计的排气管和改进的计时器和活塞也有助于提高效率。