
piranhas 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Yes , throw me to the type of piranhas that eat people like me !
- 对,把我扔到志同道合的人中去吧!
- Piranhas , red fire ants and emperor scorpions have been intercepted in mail parcels to hawaii .
- 寄往夏威夷的邮包中曾截获出水虎鱼,红火蚁和帝王蝎。
- The liuzhou government 's reward for captured piranhas has become a hot topic on sina corp. 's weibo .
- 柳州市政府悬赏诱捕食人鲳的做法成为新浪微博上的一个热门话题。
- There are kids down there , and the piranhas are in the river !
- 孩子们还都在河边!
- A quick search on china 's ebay-like ecommerce site taobao turns up 20 stores that distribute piranhas .
- 在淘宝网上迅速搜索一下就会发现多达20家店铺销售食人鲳。
- But in thunderball and you only live twice , he looked on as two women were assassinated and another was devoured by piranhas .
- 但是在《霹雳弹》和《霹雳谷》中他眼睁睁地看着两个情人被杀,而另一个被一群水虎鱼吞噬。
- Calstrs , america 's second-largest pension fund , said it would stop lending shares to " piranhas " .
- 美国第二大养老基金calstrs表示它再也不会将股票借给“食人鱼”了。
- Like gluttonous piranhas , supermassive black holes in young galaxy clusters gorge on bountiful gas until little fuel is left , and then they fade away , a new study suggests .
- 一项最新研究显示,年轻的星系团中特大质量的黑洞就象贪吃的水虎鱼一样,吞噬大量的气体,直到燃料所剩无几,然后渐渐地消失。
- Was I aware of what I was doing the next weekend when I checked into two mid-century modern furniture stores in a row ? Yes , throw me to the type of piranhas that eat people like me !
- 我意识到自己在两家中世纪摩登家具店排队时做标记地址是为了什么吗?对,把我扔到志同道合的人中去吧!
- Changes to their structure could reveal massive holes in their balance sheet , which could in turn cause the market to potentially overact and chew them apart like a school of hungry piranhas .
- 银行业务结构的改变将暴露资产负债表中的巨大漏洞,可能导致市场反应过激,像一群饥饿的食人鱼一样将它们撕成碎片。