

perfectly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Rovio was perfectly positioned to take advantage .
- rovio通过完美的定位来获得好处。
- It sums up the joyless spirit perfectly .
- 它完美地体现了毫无喜庆的精神。
- Aca was a well-known independent manager and fitted the bill perfectly .
- aca是知名的独立管理者,十分适合这一角色。
- This will never be done perfectly .
- 我们永远不可能做到完美。
- His plan for future generations lines up perfectly with maker faire 's ideals .
- 他对于未来几代人的计划与创造者大会的理念十分契合。
- Its scattered operations position it perfectly for a spread of wealth inland .
- 农行经营范围非常分散,十分适合内地的财富分散。
- David cameron 's british government is perfectly content to wave goodbye from the platform .
- 戴维卡梅伦(davidcameron)领导的英国政府绝对愿意站在站台上向他们挥手告别。
- But even though it probably didn 't go according to plan perfectly , how well did it go compared to day one ?
- 但即便它没法完美地依计而行,比起第一天来,是否还是会好上许多呢?
- And if unconscious brain activity could be found to predict decisions perfectly , the work really could rattle the notion of free will .
- 如果能够发现无意识的脑电活动能够完美地预测其后的决定,那么这一成果就将真正摧毁自由意志的概念。
- But the perception of what were perfectly adequate funding and capital positions last week can change within an hour .
- 然而,上周所认为的资金和资本状况绝对充足,可能在一小时之内发生改变。