A general pejorative term used to refer to tl usage which because of its obvious reliance on features of sl is perceived as unnatural , impenetrable or even comical .
Duels and duets author john l. locke , a professor of linguistics , told : " the word gossip has a pejorative sound to it , but with it , women are , in a sense , servicing the moral code of the community . "
I find the whole slant of this article pejorative and misleading .
Considering the state of your party , how do you know the tag isn 't pejorative ?
Professor lockwood said it was a " pejorative name " because what happened during the maunder minimum " was actually nothing like an ice age at all " .
In line with imf standards , us policy should focus on currencies that are in fundamental misalignment , abandoning the pejorative and accusatory term " manipulation " that was used .
Jim : she was very strong and very emotional - that 's pejorative , but I mean she had strong reactions , so that I didn 't actually feel safe that I wasn 't going to be knocked out , or sucked in by her .