We partake in this thanksgiving , being grateful that american history has grown even deeper and richer as a result of all of our experiences and interactions with it , for better or for worse , whether as indigenous peoples , or as america 's latest " suspects " .
Millions try to enter the eu , legally and illegally , because they want to partake of the good life that the eu has created for its citizens .
Their plight is all the more galling considering that , up until the late 1970s , the philippines was well positioned to partake in the economic expansion that enriched neighbouring hong kong , malaysia and singapore .
Considering that so many people are exposed to secondhand smoke or partake in an occasional cigarette , the findings are significant , they concluded .
North korea can likewise partake in helping develop a new bridge of trust across the korean peninsula and northeast asia .
There was a particular tree of which we were not to partake , a tree of knowledge .
People who partake in destructive criticism often seem to think there 's a limited amount of success to go around , so putting others down makes them feel better about themselves .
The college is surrounded by eleven distinguished graduate and professional schools , and its students partake in the intellectual stimulation and excitement of a major international center of learning .