The value in parentheses is called an argument and tells the println method what it should display .
I 'm using groovy 's syntactic sugar to execute a code block , which is to place a set of parentheses adjacent to the code block 's variable .
To indicate a method call in java , you write the name of the method , followed by a list of expressions enclosed in parentheses .
Some people like to prefix with an exclamation point or a semicolon , rather than wrapping the whole thing in parentheses .
We wrote our software in a weird ai language , with a bizarre syntax full of parentheses .
The actual query enclosed within parentheses , containing a particular media feature ( max-device-width ) to inspect , followed by the target value ( 480px ) .
The parentheses around the entire function expression aren 't necessary for the code to run , but are generally used as a signal to other developers that this is an iife , not a standard function .
So , asking for the size of a sequence is fine without parentheses , but defining a method that transforms the elements in the sequence should be written with parentheses .
So , the function definition in listing 1 is nothing but a list ( marked with parentheses ) , holding a vector ( marked with square brackets ) and another list .