palaces 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Henry clay said the campaign was a struggle between log cabins and palaces , between hard cider and champagne .
- 亨利.克莱说这次竞选是小木屋和宫殿、烈性酒和香槟之间的竞争。
- And in palaces in jordan .
- 及约旦皇宫中都有。
- " Children 's palaces " in big cities offer a huge range of after-school classes .
- 各大城市的“少年宫”均开设了内容丰富的课外辅导班。
- Tofu remained within palaces and temples , adding a vital source of protein to the vegetarian buddhist diets of aristocrats and monks .
- 豆腐一直留在宫殿与寺庙中,为贵族和僧人的佛教素食增加了一种重要的蛋白来源。
- And in the palaces of the church they will await the arrival of the great comet .
- 而在教会的殿宇之中,他们将等候那大彗星的降临。
- Its renaissance palaces , historic churches , and stone bridges are now menaced by floods more than 50 times a year .
- 无论它那文艺复兴风格的宫廷,闻名遐迩的大教堂,还是著名的石桥,现在都面临五十年一遇的洪水威胁。
- They built palaces on a large scale here .
- 他们在这里盖一大片豪宅.
- In cairo , as in alexandria , protesters marched on presidential palaces determined to remove a leader they accuse of oppressing them .
- 在开罗和亚历山大,抗议者涌向总统官邸,决心要把这位领导人赶下台,他们指控穆巴拉克压迫人民。
- Taishi sixtieth birthday will come , the emperor inductive palaces , affirm that will go live anguish and watch birthday taishi play , wenwu concern .
- 太师六十大寿将至,皇上有感宫中生活苦闷,硬说要去寿宴及看文武扮演,太师担忧。
- The grand colonial palaces of commerce still stand along the bund , preserved along with many european-style residences .
- 那些气势宏伟的殖民地商业建筑迄今仍屹立在外滩,周边还保留着许多欧洲风格的住宅区。