
v.写在…上面,写得过多( overwrite的第三人称单数 )
overwrites 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Resource mailbox wizard overwrites any data that is currently assigned to custom attribute 10 .
- 资源邮箱向导将覆盖当前分配给自定义属性10的所有数据。
- If a table with the specified name already exists , access overwrites the contents of the table with the imported data .
- 如果已经存在使用指定名称的表,access就会用导入的数据覆盖该表的内容。
- She often overwrites her speeches .
- 她常常把她的讲演稿写得过长。
- Creates or overwrites the specified file with the specified buffer size , file options , and file security .
- 创建或改写具有指定的缓冲区大小、文件选项和文件安全性的指定文件。
- Check the media label and backup set expiration date and time to help prevent accidental overwrites . You can also schedule the backup to run periodically .
- 检查媒体标签和备份集到期日期和时间以帮助防止意外改写。也可以安排备份定期运行。
- When the routing group master is informed of an update , it overwrites the link state table with the new information .
- 当路由组主服务器收到更新时,用新信息重写链路状态表。
- This command overwrites any changes you have made to the selected disc 's title or chapter names . Do you want to continue ?
- 该命令会覆盖已对选定的光盘标题或章节名作出的任何更改。要继续吗?
- Imagex can also perform selective overwrites of your disk , allowing you to partially restore the contents of a disk image .
- imagex也可以选择性地覆盖你的硬盘,使你可以用磁盘镜像恢复部分内容。
- But be warned : a simple " in place " upgrade ( one that overwrites the existing version of vista ) to windows 7 can only be done within similar architectures-from a 32-bit version of one to a 32-bit version of the other , or from a 64-bit to a 64-bit .
- 但要提醒一下:简单的“本地”windows7升级(覆盖现有的vista版本)仅能在类似架构下完成从一个32位版操作系统至另一个32位版系统,或从一个64位版至另一个64位版。
- This option overwrites all information in the existing configuration .
- 此选项将覆盖现有配置中的所有信息。