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oversimplification 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Even if the " scientists convicted for failing to predict earthquake " story is inaccurate or an oversimplification , that 's still the story that has been told by the vast majority of mainstream media , so that 's what most people are going to believe happened .
Education is embracing a dangerous downward spiral towards the oversimplification of mathematics in favor of letting every student pass , despite their actual understanding of the subject .
Such specific zones are now known to be an oversimplification of the way we taste and I 'm unconvinced , but I 've come to john lewis foodhall to test their range of glasses .
It 's a tremendous oversimplification , but a crude back-of-the-envelope estimate suggests each calorie burned adds something like 30 seconds to your life-or 12 seconds per penny .
Like any economic model , bertrand 's is an oversimplification .
To say that satan will be defeated when we read or quote scripture and will run like a scalded dog when we resist him is an oversimplification .
That is an oversimplification of the issues that are driving washington toward the so-called fiscal cliff , of course .
While there is some basis for this belief , it is certainly an oversimplification .
A native of belarus , mr morozov ( who has occasionally written for the economist ) says this oversimplification of history has led to the erroneous conclusion that promoting internet access and " internet freedom " will have a similar effect on authoritarian regimes today .
Saying that he is successful only because of his buy and hold approach , and everyone following this technique will be too , is an oversimplification and does not factor in all the issues .