

v.使过热,变得过热( overheat的现在分词 )
overheating 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Which emerging economies are at greatest risk of overheating ?
- 哪一个新兴经济体经济过热的风险最大呢?
- The chart shows our ranking of 27 emerging economies according to their risk of overheating .
- 图表根据他们的过热风险表明了27种新兴经济体的排名。
- Pet hair and dander can wreak serious havoc with your fans and cooling systems and cause overheating .
- 宠物的毛发和头屑也会对本本的排风扇和冷却系统造成严重的问题,并引起高温。
- During the european grand prix in valencia on june 26th , lewis hamilton discovered that his tyres were overheating .
- 六月廿六日,在瓦伦西亚的一级方程式赛车欧洲站比赛,英国车手lewishamilton发现自己的胎温过高。
- There were signs of progress in bringing the overheating reactors and fuel storage pools under control .
- 有进步的迹象得到控制过热核反应堆和燃料储存池。
- There is the possibility of a return to overheating in fixed asset investment .
- 固定资产投资还有可能反弹。
- And the threat of global warming is an obvious example of how government intervention is needed to deter people from overheating the world .
- 全球变暖的威胁就是一个明显例子,说明了要想阻止人们加热地球,政府干预必不可少。
- Officials remain concerned by the risks presented by an overheating economy .
- 政府官员对经济增长过热所呈现的风险表示担忧。
- The initial japanese response to overheating fuel was cautious .
- 最初日本小心谨慎地回应着过热燃料问题。
- Such overheating seems some way off for advanced economies .
- 这种过热似乎对发达国家来说遥不可及。