In a seminal series of experiments published in the 1990s , the canadian researchers claude bouchard and angelo tremblay studied 31 pairs of male twins ranging in age from 17 to 29 , who were sometimes overfed and sometimes put on diets .
He did not want mothers to feel guilty about having a fat baby , he said , but they and healthcare professionals " need to recognise that there is such a thing as an overfed baby " .
What is not yet clear is whether the children of today 's overfed westerners will experience programming in the opposite direction , and have their appetites restricted .
If it is , the spider is overfed and this could affect it during a moult .
And rather than continuing to support the military , as the obama administration has promised to do , the united states needs to signal that an overgrown , overfed , and largely useless egyptian military is not acceptable .