
v.使…用药过量( overdose的现在分词 )
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- Facing her second divorce as well as the end of an affair she grew despondent and attempted to take her life by overdosing on prescription medication .
- 离了第二次婚、结束了一段婚外情,她开始越来越意志消沉;想靠过量服药来结束自己的生命。
- Facing her second divorce as well as the end of an affair , she grew despondent and attempted to take her life by overdosing on prescription medication .
- 面对第二次离异和婚外情的结束,她对生活感到非常绝望,并企图通过服用过量药物来结束自己的生命。
- In 2008 , according to the cdc , some 15000 people died after overdosing on prescription opioids and narcotics like oxycodone and hydrocodone . That is more than heroin and cocaine combined , and up from 4000 in 1999 .
- 按照疾控中心的记录,2008年约有15000人在过量食用处方类鸦片类药剂、氧可酮或氢可酮等麻醉剂后死亡,这个数字高于吸食海洛因、可卡因导致的死亡人数,也高于1999年的4000例。
- Overdosing on antibiotics can do more than damage your health . It can damage the environment too .
- 过度使用抗菌素不仅会损害人们的健康,而且还能破坏环境。
- What about all the surveillance tapes of parents overdosing their kids and smothering them with pillows .
- 录像带中让孩子服药量用枕头闷死孩子的父母是怎么回事?
- The panel also is being asked to examine whether the dizzying array of medicines that combine multiple ingredients and the sometimes hard-to-use droppers included in the packaging contribute to parents unwittingly overdosing their children .
- 人们要求该专家小组检查这些让人眼花缭乱的药品,是否因其含有多种成分、包装中有时包含难用的点滴器等等,而误导家长无意中给药过多。
- Overdosing may result in diabetes and alzheimer 's disease .
- 过量可能导致糖尿病和阿尔茨海默氏病。
- One has little to fear of overdosing on this nutrient .
- 一个不大的恐惧过分就这个养分。
- Overdosing on coffee and energy drinks may cause you to become too jittery and then crash .
- 过度摄入咖啡或其它一些能量饮料会导致你过于紧张,进而精神崩溃。
- Shortly after the broadcast , ms. bali ended up in a hospital , overdosing on sleeping pills .
- 新闻播出后,巴厘女士由于过量服用安眠药被送进了医院。