

v.对…要价过高( overcharge的过去式和过去分词 )
overcharged 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- If the black card , then normal , because the black cards have been very often overcharged .
- 要是黑卡的话,那就正常了,因为黑卡本来很多时候都会乱收费。
- A public backlash forced it to compensate those it overcharged .
- 一次公开抵制让亚马逊不得不补偿那些被敲竹杠的顾客。
- He never overcharged when I went shopping in his grocer .
- 我去他的杂货店买东西时他从不向我乱索价。
- Are you sure you haven 't overcharged me ?
- 你敢肯定你没有超额收费吗?
- An undercharged or overcharged battery condition occurs .
- 发生电瓶充电不足或过量的情况。
- Excuse me , but I think you 've overcharged me .
- 对不起,我认为你多算了我的费用。
- The firm reportedly severely overcharged the pentagon for fuel deliveries to iraq .
- 据报道,该公司向五角大楼在向伊拉克运输燃料上严重滥收费用。
- I think I have been overcharged for my insurance .
- 我认为我交的保险费太高了。
- Oh , no ! I 've overcharged both my cards !
- 哦,糟了!我的两张卡都刷爆了!
- Stun a vehicle with an overcharged plasma pistol and quickly kill the driver .
- 已以超载电浆手枪射击载具,并迅速解决载具驾驶。