
overachievers 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- As much as industrious overachievers hate to admit it , sometimes all you need to get rich is dumb luck .
- 正如许多勤奋的成功人士所痛恨承认那样,有时候你致富的全部所需就是狗屎运。
- The central characters in " the overachievers " were all in one place , robbins 's alma mater in bethesda , md.
- 《优等生》中的主要人物都集中在一处,即位于马里兰州贝塞斯达市的罗宾斯的母校
- Overachievers realize they only feel pressure when something significant is at stake , and they feed off that stress to put an edge on their own performance .
- 办公室超人了解,惟有攸关紧要的事才会令他们有压力,而他们会将其转化为个人表现的动力。
- But while the commanding heights of the world 's second-largest economy are still firmly in the hands of china 's state-owned enterprises , who are the overachievers in the private sector ?
- 但是,在国有企业仍旧牢牢控制这个世界第二大经济体制高点的时候,表现优异的民营企业有哪些呢?
- These women are overachievers across the board .
- 这些女性在各个方面都是佼佼者。
- Overachievers know when to stop working and start playing .
- 杰出人士知道什么时候停止工作和开始玩耍。
- You one of those classic overachievers ?
- 你是那种超水平发挥类型的么?
- Even at yale , home of overachievers , he stands out .
- 即便在耶鲁这个才子辈出的地方,他也表现得很突出。