As a result , reverse osmosis first became established as a way to treat brackish water .
Or the tricks of the trade that a firm can learn almost by osmosis from its neighbours .
Some of the very flat-bodied ediacarans , for instance , lived on sediments and appear to have fed by directly absorbing nutrients by osmosis .
Reverse osmosis is the most favoured method , though , and in israel and algeria contracts have been signed for salt-free water at about 55 cents a cubic metre .
The energy requirements for thermal desalination do not much depend on the saltiness of the source water , but the energy needed for reverse osmosis is directly related to the concentration of dissolved salts .
Other plants employ reverse osmosis . This uses special membranes which act as molecular sieves by passing water molecules while holding back the ions , such as sodium and chloride , that make water salty .
Examples from several universities and fledgling companies demonstrate the potential . Nanoh 2o inc. , for instance , uses nano materials to improve the performance of reverse osmosis membranes in making dirty water clean or in desalination .
Other plants employ reverse osmosis . This uses molecular sieves that pass water molecules while holding back the ions , such as sodium and chloride , that make water salty . Generating the pressure needed to do this sieving consumes about 4 kwh per cubic metre .