

n.<正>正统观念( orthodoxy的名词复数 );普遍接受的观点;正统的信仰[做法];正教会

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More than ever , we need a leader who will look beyond the old thinking and orthodoxies and who understands the importance of investment in ideas and technology for our future .
That means south korea is among the first to grapple with one of the new orthodoxies in the post-crisis world : the need to lean against excessive asset-price movements .
Gain competitive advantage and raise performance trends by forging dynamic change in each of our businesses and challenging the orthodoxies of our industries .
More interesting , neither won and neither lost : today 's policy orthodoxies are a synthesis of their two approaches .
The imf 's shift , from cheerleading for austerity to advocating a gentler approach , shows just how much old orthodoxies are crumbling in the face of the facts .
But you need to be willing to root out corruption and vested interests . And you must be ready to abandon tired orthodoxies of the left and right and forage for good ideas across the political spectrum .
But he seems to have decided that conservative orthodoxies have become a vastly bigger threat to good economic policy than liberal ones .
When I was converted to digital photography ( sounds a bit evangelical , doesn 't it ? ) I quickly adopted one of the sacred orthodoxies of the creed : thou shalt not blow out highlights !
Another way to jolt your brain out of the familiar is to explore deep-rooted company ( or even industry ) orthodoxies .
To overcome orthodoxies in your company , ask yourself questions about your customers , industry norms , and even your business model .