These people might be surprised to learn that in 2005 a world summit of the un endorsed the principle of an international responsibility to protect oppressed people from their persecutors ( see article ) .
North koreans watching south korean soap operas on smuggled dvd players now know that their leaders have lied about the supposedly poor and oppressed people in the south .
Its claim to act as a beacon for muslims , especially oppressed ones , in the region and around the world , has been ridiculed .
The apparent bin laden statement said the al qaeda militants who launched the strike were " serving the oppressed by punishing the tyrants in america . "
Rojbin tugan , a 35-year-old human-rights lawyer , last year managed to get mr korkmaz fitted with a prosthetic foot , so adding to her reputation in turkey 's mainly kurdish southeast as a dogged defender of the poor or oppressed .
The country 's supreme leader , ayatollah ali khamenei , said the oppressed people of egypt and tunisia yearned for an islamic state modeled after iran 's and that the street demonstrations were " liberating islamic movements . "
North koreans are by and large hungry , oppressed , cloistered and treated as infants .
Africans across the continent and oppressed peoples elsewhere still look to south africa 's leader as a beacon of hope .
Oppression involves the subjugation of a person or group ...... the word " oppressed " comes from latin , to " press down , " and its synonym , " down-trodden , " suggests a sense of being " crushed under " or " flattened . "