
v.运转( operate的第三人称单数 );操作;经营;管理
operates 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Windows desktop search now works , and users can control how the archiving operates .
- windows的桌面搜索可以正常工作了,用户现在也可以控制归档操作的方式。
- She operates shanghai 's only hotline , 6587-6866 , for pregnant girls .
- 她操作着上海唯一为怀孕少女服务的热线电话6587-6866。
- An all nippon airways captain operates the latest flight simulator for the boeing 's 787 deamliner at ana 's training center .
- 全日空航空公司一机长在公司培训中心操作波音787梦之翼飞机的最新飞行模拟机。
- The new cellular machinery might be packaged in a micro-compartment that operates within the plant cell .
- 新的细胞机器被打包在一个很小的单元里,这样就可以在植物细胞里进行操作。
- Thanks to their rise , more of the world economy operates under mercantilist pegged exchange rate regimes .
- 由于它们的崛起,全球经济的更大比重是在重商主义的盯住汇率体制下运转。
- Remember , your body is an organic machine that operates by an intrinsic set of laws .
- 记住一条,你的身体就像是一台有机体构成的机器,它自身有一套运转的法则。
- That means the propeller operates in a smoother flow of water , which improves efficiency and assists steering .
- 这意味着螺旋桨在更平稳的水流中运转,从而提高效率,有助于船的操纵。
- It carries a lot of association with it ; typically involving an overthrow of a regime or a movement to fundamentally alter the way society operates .
- 一提到它,人们就会浮想联翩;通常我们都会想到某个政权的覆灭,或者一场彻底改变了社会运转的运动。
- Ithaca energy , a canadian company , now operates in four north sea fields off the british coast .
- 现在,一家名为ithacaenergy的加拿大公司正管理着英国海岸边的四个北海油田。
- The company operates several grocery store chains across the northeast , including a & p , pathmark and the food emporium .
- 该公司在美国东北地区经营多家杂货连锁店,包括A&P、Pathmark和TheFoodEmporium。